About us

KDH Photography

My name is Keith Hamblin and I live in Belford, Northumberland.

I have been a keen photographer for over 35 years and my subject matter is wide and varied.

Living in this beautiful part of the country, as I have done all my life, landscape photography has always been a passion of mine - there is nothing better than capturing a striking sunrise or sunset!!

But I am also interested in sport - anything from football to cricket, point to point to motorsport.

I also cover weddings and social events, photoshoots, so if there is anything you think may be of interest, please do not hesitate to contact us through any of the methods below.

Get in touch ...

Email, telephone or social media

email Keithdhamblin@aol.com

or Tel 07768967814.

Also, follow us on Facebook and Instagram @KDHPhotography

Telephone 07768967814
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